VCS Lottery Information
2 months ago
The VCS 2025-2026 Lottery applications will go live 12:00 am Tuesday January 21st, 2025
and ends 11:59 pm Friday February 28th, 2025.
Lottery will be held March 1st at 9am.
Click here to go to the registration page.
You only have to register once, then you will click the "Login" button.
Vance Charter School Admission FAQs
Who can attend Vance Charter School?
Any child entering Kindergarten through Twelfth grade, who lives in North Carolina, may apply. Students not residing in North Carolina may not attend Vance Charter School. All applicants must be a resident of North Carolina prior to lottery date.
Potential students that have a parent that is a full time employee of the school or a sibling that currently attends the school will receive priority class placement.
Sibling Preference/Application Policy
How can students apply for admission to the school?
Students can submit an online application during the registration period. Online applications for the 2025 – 2026 school year will be available from January 21st, 2025 through February 28th, 2025. Once your application is received, you will receive an email notification confirming receipt of your completed application.
PLEASE NOTE: paper applications will NOT be available.
Informational sessions for parents will be held on 1/28 and 2/13 at 6PM in the media center. For more information please access the Powerpoint slide presentation.
Due to the limited number of spaces per class, it is possible more students will apply than there are available openings. If this situation occurs, the school will admit students through a blind lottery. Each application will be numbered and the numbers will be pooled per class. Due to using an automated lottery program, the numbers will be generated randomly until all spaces in each grade level are filled. The remaining students will be placed on a waiting list in order of their application number’s removal through the automated lottery process.
Once a student is enrolled in the school, he or she does not need to go through the application and lottery process again. Furthermore, siblings of currently enrolled students and children of staff members will have priority in enrollment.
If a person is contacted regarding an available seat at Vance Charter School for his/her child, the parents/guardians will have five (5) calendar days to make a decision as to whether or not the child will attend Vance Charter School. If you fail to submit a decision of admittance and/or denial after the 5th calendar day, your spot will be forfeited. If you decide to accept admittance to Vance Charter School, you will have five (5) calendar days to submit ALL required paperwork to the respective school’s personnel. Failure to submit ALL required paperwork in the pre-determined timeframe will result in forfeiture of your admittance.
False or misleading applications and/or information submitted solely with the intent of receiving preference will result in the loss of one’s spot at Vance Charter School, regardless of lottery outcome if the application is deemed not accurate.
How do I receive notification of acceptance?
You will be notified via email notifying you of your child’s acceptance to Vance Charter School. The timeline detailed above will then apply. Additionally, all parents/guardians will be able to verify their child’s position on the acceptance list and/or waitlist via the Lotterease program. The program is displayed in current-time therefore offering a true depiction of your child’s position on the waitlist.
Will I receive notice the day of the lottery with final results?
No; the Student Recruitment and Retention Board will verify all results of the Lotterease program therefore attendance is not required. Final results will not be available until verification checks are performed. All applicants will receive an email notification within 1 week of the actual lottery with final results. Lottery will be held March 1st. Applicants will not be notified of acceptance on March 1st. Attendance is not required for the lottery.
If you have any questions about the application process or the lottery, please email: Allison Capps at